New Analysis on Single Port Ectopic Pregnancy Now Available Online

Dr. Greg Marchand’s Institute’s latest paper, “Noninferiority of single-incision laparoscopy vs conventional laparoscopy in salpingectomy or salpingotomy for ectopic pregnancy: a meta-analysis” is now available free online. You can read the paper with at Elsevier’s Website for the publishing journal (American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Global Reports), or on the government’s National Institute…

Dr. Marchand’s Study on Laparoscopic vs. Vaginal Hysterectomy in Green Journal Today

Dr. Marchand’s major study entitled “Vaginal Hysterectomy Compared With Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in Benign Gynecologic Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis” appears online today in the Green Journal (Obstetrics & Gynecology). This is the largest study to date comparing the advantages and safety of vaginal hysterectomy versus laparoscopic, and has some very interesting findings! Click here…

Dr. Marchand’s Newest Paper on Hysteroscopy Appears this Month in AJOG: Global Reports

We are thrilled to announce that our latest paper on the value of hysteroscopy on asymptomatic patients prior to assisted reproduction technologies is the first paper in this quarter’s edition of AJOG: Global Reports. The full article is available online at this link:

Greg Marchand’s Research on Marijuana in Pregnancy featured in New Report from the Heritage Foundation

The Marchand Institute noted this week a brilliantly written new report “Twenty-First Century Illicit Drugs and Their Discontents: The Potential Risks that Cannabis Use by Pregnant and Nursing Women Pose to Their Children,” by Paul J. Larkin. This report and opinion on the status of cannabis use by pregnant woman addresses a very concerning topic,…

Power Morcellator

Dr. Marchand’s Newest Research on Morcellation now Available Online!

Dr. Marchand recently performed the largest meta-analysis to date on power morcellation in hysterectomy and myomectomy. The paper has recently been published online by a major medical journal. You can read the abstract online on NIH’s PubMed Website here: You can also read the full paper online here:

Isthmocele Ultrasound

Dr. Marchand’s Newest Published Work on Isthmocele now Available Online!

The largest ever meta analysis looking at isthmocele formation related to cesarean section techniques was completed here at the Marchand Institute and was just published by a major medical journal and is now available online! You can read the abstract on NIH’s PubMed website here: You can also see the full text of the…

Dr. Marchand’s Review of Acetaminophen Usage in Hysterectomy Published by JSLS

Dr. Marchand is very excited that his latest publication, “The Efficacy of Acetominophen for Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.” has been published today in the Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic and Robotic Surgeons (JSLS). The full text of the article is available free online at this link: